nickgillian / grt

gesture recognition toolkit
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Outdated example .grt files #139

Open narner opened 6 years ago

narner commented 6 years ago

It looks as though the example data-sets may be out of date with some of the latest changes in the GRT. At the top of the example datasets, there's the line GRT_LABELLED_CLASSIFICATION_DATA_FILE_V1.0.

In line 2326 of GestureRecognitionPipeline.cpp, there's the following check:

    //Load the file header
    file >> word;
    if( word != "GRT_PIPELINE_FILE_V3.0" ){
        errorLog << __GRT_LOG__ << " Failed to read file header" << std::endl;
        return false;

whereas the top of the example datasets contain the following line:


So, when importing one of the example datasets into an instance of a pipeline:

virtual bool load(const std::string &filename) override;

The result will always be false.