nickgillian / grt

gesture recognition toolkit
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getting started with accelerometer-based recognition #47

Open ashayk opened 8 years ago

ashayk commented 8 years ago

Hi Nick,

I've just gotten GRT set up and started working with it. I'm using wireless accelerometers, worn on the wrist for example, and would like to do some gesture recognition. At present, these are 3-axis accelerometers, but I'll soon be getting some 9-axis ones and I have the sensor fusion code ready so I'll be able to extract attitude as well.

I've successfully modified the DTW example and gotten some things to work, training and classifying simple movements with the accelerometer values! Very exciting. For my application, I would ideally like to recognise the same gesture performed at a wide range of speeds which makes using non-normalized accelerometer values problematic. I tried using HMM in the pipeline, but pretty much got all false positives, but I was only trying to train and recognise a single gesture, so more than likely I was doing something wrong.

I'd just like to get your advice on some possible next steps given the kind of measures I'm working with, accelerometry and (soon) attitude. Would it be worth trying the MovementTrajectoryFeature extraction with another classifier like SVM or even again with DTW? Do you think using attitude instead of accelerometry would yield better results? Just looking for some guidance if you have the time.

Much appreciated.


techenthu1299 commented 8 years ago

Hello alex,

I have gotten GRT set up and am working with it too. I am using imu 9 axis accelerometer , gyro and mag sensors which is again worn on the wrist. I want to do some gesture recognition based on the sensor data. I have modified the DTW example to my use case, and the format of the training data as well. It seems to classify well when there is only one class, meaning it can say if is of class one or not. But it is not able to classify when i train it with multiple classes. I am facing this issue when i use automatic gesture recognition in real time where i get continuous data from the sensor.

However, if i feed the complete shot data to the tool before hand instead of real time continuous data it seems to classify well even if there are multiple classes. Can you help me out here?? Thanks.

ashayk commented 8 years ago

Hi, I think you're actually further along than I am, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. Perhaps Nick can chime in and help us both. All the best with your project.

techenthu1299 commented 8 years ago

Hi, thanks for the reply. I understand you are able to classify the gestures properly. How are you doing that? Can you please help me here? Thanks.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 12:07 PM, ashayk wrote:

Hi, I think you're actually further along than I am, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. Perhaps Nick can chime in and help us both. All the best with your project.

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ashayk commented 8 years ago

I was only classifying one class as well. It's exactly as in the DTW example that you've implemented. I haven't done anything different.

techenthu1299 commented 8 years ago

okay, thanks.

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 12:11 PM, ashayk wrote:

I was only classifying one class as well. It's exactly as in the DTW example that you've implemented. I haven't done anything different.

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nickgillian commented 8 years ago

Hi Alex and ashayk,

It sounds like the problem you are both running into is getting accurate gesture spotting to work (i.e., detecting a valid gesture when there are lots of other generic movements from the sensor)

There are lots of tricks you can use here to improve the accuracy of your system. The first thing I would do is to record and plot some of your data to see if you can see any obvious patterns in the data that might help you. For example, you might see that you get a much stronger signal in your data (e.g., magnitude of the accelerometer) when you perform a gesture (as opposed to normal movements)....if this was the case, then you could use some simple logic to detect that magnitude peak in the data and then only perform the DTW classification on that data (say a window of data either side of it).

Other things you can look at are:

I hope this helps!

azarus commented 8 years ago

Hey Nick!

Sorry for posting it here but i didn't wanted to create a new issue for this. I also just started using the library. My question would be how would you go about using multiple accelerometers. For example if you want some gestures to be detected separately that only happens on one device, and ignore the rest of the data that comes from the other accelerometer in the TimeSeries?

Should i create multiple pipelines for each outcome and test each accelerometer seperately, and also test both of them? Or is there a built in option that i couldn't find?

Thank you for your help!

cyberluke commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm doing this like for two years. My advice is to use several pipelines. One for left hand, second for right hand, third for both hands for example.

There is also ANBC (classification, not timeseries...but u could plug in feature extraction of timedomain series or movement trajectory). ANBC allows u to use weight parameter for different axes or sensors:

cyberluke commented 8 years ago

For me DTW works well, but I had to combine Euler (x,y,z) or Quaternion (w,x,y,z) plus Accelerometer (vx, vy....just two axes). This way I get x,y,z,vx,vy to DTW and can recognize like 5 or 10 different moves. But I have to record at least 50 times each gesture.

If I use some marker for gesture start, gesture end....for example a button on my finger....then it works much better. I'm now thinking how to make this useable for users....I'm thinking about some deadzone and filtering to filter the noise, when u are not doing any gesture. Of course this would have to have different parameters for x,y,z and for vx,vy.

azarus commented 8 years ago

Accuracy was one of my greatest problem using DTW. I'd like to have a solution that is accurate enough and reliable.

cyberluke commented 8 years ago

Was or still is? I have linear acceleration right away from the sensor thanks to sensor fusion. Then EnvelopeExtractor, deadzone without any machine learning pipeline. U cannot use regression or classification for any meaningful thing. DTW is not reliable. So the only thing is doing raw processing with feature extractors yourself and maybe set some threshold for each axis. Good thing is to combine it with classification of different virtual space area with gyro,mag. This is what I did and what works for me the best. Im going to try also FFT on acc to read a frequency of motion. At least thats what I did with EMG. Any other ideas?