nickjj / docker-rails-example

A production ready example Rails app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
MIT License
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Yarn build fails #31

Closed Yasser closed 2 years ago

Yasser commented 2 years ago

When I build the project, my js compile fails with the following error:

$ ./run yarn:build js_1 | ./run: line 111: /app/node_modules/.bin/esbuild: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error js_1 | js_1 | Task completed in 0m0.024s error Command failed with exit code 126. info Visit for documentation about this command.

Manually reverting package.json to call "esbuild app/javascript/*.* --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds" successfully compiles.

nickjj commented 2 years ago


You should technically never need to run ./run yarn:build manually. It only ever gets called in the package.json file. It's meant to be something that gets run directly inside of the js container, not from your terminal outside of Docker.

That is also brought up with its comment of: # Build JS assets, this is only meant to be referenced from your package.json

But since that works differently than the other run commands, maybe I should turn both yarn:build and yarn:build:css into private functions by prefixing them with an underscore. That could get also get equally weird tho because they would be referenced in the package.json file which implies they're not private.

Yasser commented 2 years ago

Sorry, to clarify, I wasn't running them manually. This was with a docker compose up --build

nickjj commented 2 years ago

Did you make any modifications to the Dockerfile or project?

Just asking because /app/node_modules/.bin/esbuild: cannot execute binary file isn't a path that should exist. This project installs your Node modules to /node_modules not /app/node_modules.

Yasser commented 2 years ago

No, the Dockerfile is the same as you have in master. A search through my project for '/app/node_modules' yields no results.

nickjj commented 2 years ago

What OS are you using and what version of Docker / Docker Compose do you have?

I can't reproduce this here on both Windows and macOS by following the instructions in the readme:

nick@kitt ~ $ git clone /tmp/hellorails
Cloning into '/tmp/hellorails'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 718, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (718/718), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (460/460), done.
remote: Total 718 (delta 394), reused 539 (delta 224), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (718/718), 655.57 KiB | 10.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (394/394), done.

nick@kitt ~ $ cd /tmp/hellorails

nick@kitt /tmp/hellorails (main) $ cp .env.example .env

nick@kitt /tmp/hellorails (main) $ cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml

nick@kitt /tmp/hellorails (main) $ docker-compose up --build

[snipped out a lot of extra log output from building]

[these commands execute inside of the container]

$ ./run yarn:build:css
css_1       |
css_1       | Rebuilding...
css_1       | Done in 283ms.
yarn run v1.22.17
$ ./run yarn:build
js_1        | [watch] build finished, watching for changes...

At this point everything comes up successfully and I can access the site in a browser.

Yasser commented 2 years ago

MacOS with Docker Desktop 3.5.2, Engine 20.10.7, Compose 1.29.2.

This is a project that I updated to Rails 7 then merged with your recent updates.

nickjj commented 2 years ago

What happens if you follow the steps in my previous comment? Does it work?

Yasser commented 2 years ago

Yes, installing clean from the repo works. I must have missed something in the update.

nickjj commented 2 years ago

I would check your .yarnrc file to make sure /node_modules is set and then diff your Dockerfile vs mine.

Yasser commented 2 years ago

Dockerfile is exact. .yarnrc contains --modules-folder /node_modules, as is should.

nickjj commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure then, it's still installing things in a way where that .yarnrc doesn't seem to have an effect because it's using /app/node_modules. I'd carefully comb through the commit where I upgraded to Rails 7 although I did change the run script a bit after that commit, all of which are listed at

Yasser commented 2 years ago

I've combed, no difference between my project configuration and the changes made in 2a8580a through 1071f7b.


nickjj commented 2 years ago

If you're able to clone this repo and spin up the app successfully I think it's safe to say there's something in your app which is preventing this from working?

You could always do a docker-compose down && docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose up on your end to give yourself a clean slate except for named volumes which will stick around such as for postgres. I don't think that will make a difference but it'll at least remove any notion that Docker is causing an issue with your custom app.

When in doubt you could diff the whole app too, not just the configuration looking for differences.

Yasser commented 2 years ago

Fixed. For some reason, I had a hidden node_modules folder in the root directory of my project. Removing that quickly solve my issue. Thanks for you help. Closing.

nickjj commented 2 years ago

No problem, thanks for including what the resolution was.