Open L-Marriott opened 2 years ago
Thank you for your feedback. I'd like to know if others are interested in a feature which suppresses verbosity?
Hello. I use this package within a nested cross validation along with optuna (for automatic hyperparameters optimization). After each loop, its error and parameters used are shown so one can monitor it in real-time. However, due to the verboseness of the smogn package, I'm not able to read the results of each loop, because they rapidly get lost in the terminal. As @L-Marriott, I also would appreciate if an option to disable the smogn outputs were available. Thanks.
Removing tqdm loops and substituting them on would solve the issue
for i in tqdm(range(n), ascii = True, desc = "synth_matrix"):
for i in range(n):
Is there an option to reduce the printed output? I'm running this in a notebook and every time I synthesize, the cell prints these:
I'd just like to hide these really.