nicklan / pnmixer

Volume mixer for the system tray
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Deprecation warnings #113

Closed hasufell closed 8 years ago

hasufell commented 8 years ago

Fix deprecation warnings

This will probably break using glade, since some of the changes don't seem to be supported by the glade editor.

Additionally, the GtkMenuItems in the right-click menu of the tray icon have weird leading spaces after the conversion from GtkImageMenuItem. I don't yet know how to fix these.

Don't merge this yet, it needs still some work.

hasufell commented 8 years ago

Also note that this branch is based on the icon-themes branch.

hasufell commented 8 years ago

any idea on how to remove the leading spaces?

elboulangero commented 8 years ago

Hi @hasufell, sorry for the late reply...

So I spent a couple of hours looking into that. I tried a few things in the UI file but I didn't make any progress...

So after that I had a quick look at the Gtk3 apps that are installed on my system. Some of them have NO icon at all in theirs menus, and they all have the same leading spaces. Like parole emacs, parole-gtk or file-roller.

Other apps have icons in their menu, and no leading spaces, like glade, galculator or transmission-gtk. galculator has a UI file in /usr/share, and I see it still uses the deprecated GtkImageMenuItem. I grabbed the glade source from git, and they also use the deprecated GtkImageMenuItem (kinf of funny isn't it ?). About transmission-gtk I don't know.

I suppose that the leading spaces are there on purpose, so that items that have a checkbox are aligned with items that don't have it. Like Gtk3 assumes you're gonna have checkable items in your menu.

elboulangero commented 8 years ago

So we're left with two solutions: let the warnings live, or let the leading spaces live.

Now that you've already done the job, I'd say that we merge your changes. I can live with leading spaces. It's not very pretty but we're not to blame.

hasufell commented 8 years ago

interesting, github isn't removing the first commit although the exact same hash is already in master

elboulangero commented 8 years ago

Are you OK to merge ? I'd like to modify glade files for #100

hasufell commented 8 years ago

I wonder if I can fix the "Mute" item so that it is indented just like the others

hasufell commented 8 years ago

pushed in

elboulangero commented 8 years ago

Thx !