nicklockwood / AutoCoding

AutoCoding is a category on NSObject that provides automatic support for NSCoding and NSCopying to every object.
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AutoCoding crash due to NSArray mutated while being enumerated. #29

Open kylesmyth opened 7 years ago

kylesmyth commented 7 years ago

Not quite sure what's going on here. Unfortunately I can't reproduce the crash, and crashlytics is giving me incorrect line numbers so I can't see exactly where in code this happens. I should note that Countsheet.m implements its own NSCoding / NSCopying - could that be the issue?

Fatal Exception: NSGenericException *\ Collection <NSArrayM: 0x134b95200> was mutated while being enumerated. 0 CoreFoundation 0x18280edb0 exceptionPreprocess 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x181e73f80 objc_exception_throw 2 CoreFoundation 0x18280e7e4 -[NSException name] 3 Foundation 0x18315c04c -[NSKeyedArchiver _encodeArrayOfObjects:forKey:] 4 Foundation 0x18315abb0 _encodeObject 5 RQMobile 0x100168db0 -NSObject(AutoCoding) encodeWithCoder: 6 RQMobile 0x10008bbb4 -RQMobileObject encodeWithCoder: 7 RQMobile 0x10007d010 -Countsheet encodeWithCoder: 8 Foundation 0x18315abb0 _encodeObject 9 Foundation 0x18315c064 -[NSKeyedArchiver _encodeArrayOfObjects:forKey:] 10 Foundation 0x18315bc84 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) encodeWithCoder:] 11 Foundation 0x18315abb0 _encodeObject 12 Foundation 0x1831b7790 +[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:toFile:]