nicklockwood / CountryPicker

CountryPicker is a custom UIPickerView subclass that provides an iOS control allowing a user to select a country from a list. It can optionally display a flag next to each country name, and the library includes a set of 249 high-quality, public domain flag images from FAMFAMFAM ( that have been painstakingly re-named by country code to work with the library.
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Add Carthage support #35

Closed soffes closed 8 years ago

nicklockwood commented 8 years ago

Looks good - thanks!

soffes commented 8 years ago

Can you tag, release, and add a prebuilt library to the release on GitHub? Here's how to create a Carthage archive:

$ carthage build --no-skip-current && carthage archive CountryPicker


nicklockwood commented 8 years ago

@soffes Sorry for the wait. I'm not keen on including a binary framework in the repo, but I've added a new tag for you.

soffes commented 8 years ago

Thanks for merging! You don't add it to the repo, you simply upload it to GitHub's releases page. You can see I do this here.