nicklockwood / FXBlurView

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Distortions are occurring while scrolling and push , pop and present the ViewControllers. #119

Open ajay2c9 opened 8 years ago

ajay2c9 commented 8 years ago

Hi .

i am using the below code for Blur effect,

self.blurView.blurRadius = 4.95; self.blurView.dynamic = YES; self.blurView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeRight; self.blurView.layer.contentsGravity = kCAGravityBottomLeft; [self.blurView setClipsToBounds:YES]; [self.blurView updateAsynchronously:YES completion:^{ //Whatever you want }]; When push , pop and present the ViewControllers distortions are occurring, and when blur effect used for views in the uiscrollView, while scrolling distortions are occurring.

How to resolve these distortions.

Please give suggestions

Mijail commented 8 years ago

Same happens here, help would be appreciated.

ajay2c9 commented 8 years ago

Check the below one may be it may help.

[self.userCoverProfilePicImgVw sd_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imgURL] placeholderImage:nil completed:^(UIImage image, NSError error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, NSURL *imageURL) { self.blurView1.blurRadius = 4.95; self.blurView1.dynamic = NO; [self.blurView1 updateAsynchronously:YES completion:^{ // Whatever you want

EvgenyKarkan commented 8 years ago

Any updates on that?

cloudfelipe commented 8 years ago

Try to use [FXBlurView setUpdatesDisabled] or [FXBlurView setUpdatesEnabled] in ViewWill-DidAppear o Disappear to avoid that blur effect be update in any viewcontrollers transitions.

FlorianBasso commented 7 years ago

Anyone find a real solution please ?