nicklockwood / FXForms

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[Q] View on top of form #427

Closed gunnartorfis closed 8 years ago

gunnartorfis commented 8 years ago

Hello! Just wanted to start of by thanking for this great library, using it for a settings-view in my app.

The thing is that I want to have the logged in user's profile image on top of the form table. My first thought would be to set the form's y origin to be at like 100.0f and then have the UIImageView at y = 0 and be with 100.0f height, but obviously the form is not a standalone view.

I have in the viewDidLoad method: self.formController.form = [[SettingsForm alloc] init];

and then make an instance of my SettingsForm on viewWillAppear: SettingsForm form = (SettingsForm )self.formController.form;

Any suggestions to how I might achieve this? Any help is appreciated.