nicklockwood / SwiftFormat

A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
MIT License
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Space in path still not working #1695

Open TAKeanice opened 1 month ago

TAKeanice commented 1 month ago

In I found a description for the very same issue that I am experiencing. It seems like fixes for the issue were already incorporated in the repository but I don´t know whether they have made it to this one.

The build I attempt to perform is for where swiftformat is invoked with swift package plugin --allow-writing-to-package-directory --allow-writing-to-directory "$SRCROOT" swiftformat "$SRCROOT" --config ./.swiftformat --cache /private/tmp/. The project was inside a directory with spaces. When I moved it to a directory without spaces, the build worked. Updating the SwiftFormat version did not make a difference.

nicklockwood commented 1 month ago

@MarcoEidinger the plugin code that ended up in SwiftFormat seems a little different from your original fixed version - is it possible that the fix regressed?