nicklockwood / iCarousel

A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS
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iCarousel types not working correctly #851

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi, Im working with a storyboard carousel, at the beginning I assigned the carousel type to iCarouselTypeRotary and worked like a charm, then I tested with Coverflow and other types and also worked good, the thing is that I got back to rotary and now the carousel frame is modified when I scroll.

THis is my carousel without assigning a type:


Works good but sometimes when I update content and navigate animated to a position, it shows a wrong carousel cells frame. (The cells kind of overlay each other)

And this is my carousel with any type different from default:


As you can see, the frame completely gets out of bounds, the carousel frame is assigned in sotyboard with constraints, I started managing Carousel size with aspect ratio but my needs changed and now I use spacing constrains only, to define size and position (When I did that change, all this started to happen).

So I really think the problem is with contraints and the carousel size, but why whith default type works almost correctly???