nicklockwood / iCarousel

A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS
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Hi Nick:iCarsoul setup #868

Open pradeep6626 opened 5 years ago

pradeep6626 commented 5 years ago

Hi nick, i already implemented banners in my application with iCarousel.Now my requirement is need to scroll like 1 to end then end to 1 and i have to indicate banners with dot* symbol in bottom of the banner like amazon,flipkart...etc.

nicklockwood commented 5 years ago

You can do this by using a UIPageControl in the same way as you would do with a UIScrollView. I don't have an example to hand, but you can find examples on StackOverflow, e.g.

pradeep6626 commented 5 years ago

Thanx nick,But my project is existed one so can enable that feature in iCarousel