nickmattinson / ZXYZ

Top-Down 2D Dungeon Crawler
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Entity Class Diagram #36

Open MikeMMattinson opened 2 months ago

MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago
MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago


MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago

I think it should be more like this... image

MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago

As the player is moving, there might be one or more Enemies within range that are attacking. As I am looking at this, it is misleading, the circle around player should actually be attack circles for each enemy.... image

MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago


MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago

As the game updates, loop through all active enemies and look for opportunities to attack player.

MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago

From ChatGPT 3.5,

using UnityEngine;

public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour
    public float attackRange = 3f; // Adjust this value as needed
    public int damageAmount = 10; // Adjust damage amount as needed
    public LayerMask playerLayer; // Set this in the Unity Editor to the layer where your Player objects are

    void Update()
        // Check for nearby Player and attack if within range

    void AttackPlayerInRange()
        Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, attackRange, playerLayer);
        foreach (Collider collider in hitColliders)
            // Check if the collider is the Player
            PlayerController player = collider.GetComponent<PlayerController>();
            if (player != null)
                // Player is within attack range, initiate attack
                player.TakeDamage(damageAmount); // Call the TakeDamage method in PlayerController or your desired logic
MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago


MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago

From ChatGPT3.5, here is an example of how to loop through all active enemies:

void FindActiveEnemies()
    // Find all Enemy objects in the scene
    Enemy[] allEnemies = FindObjectsOfType<Enemy>();

    // Clear the current list of enemies

    // Loop through each enemy to check if it's within range of the player
    foreach (Enemy enemy in allEnemies)
        float distanceToPlayer = Vector2.Distance(enemy.transform.position, player.transform.position);
        if (distanceToPlayer <= distanceBetween)
            enemies.Add(enemy); // Add the enemy to the list if it's within range
MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using System;
public class Entity : MonoBehaviour
    private int level;
    private int health;
    private int attack;
    private int defense;
    public GameObject damageNumberPrefab;

    public void Awake(){
        // used for initial setup that
        // doesn't rely on other objects
        // or components being initialized.

        // get rid of the Clone reference    ="(Clone)","").Trim();

        Debug.Log($"[{}] {this} ____ AWAKE.");


    public void Start(){
        // used for initial setup that
        // does rely on other objects
        // or components being initialized.

        Debug.Log($"[{}] {this} ____ STARTED.");


    public void SetLevel(int level)
        this.level = level;

    public int GetLevel()
        return this.level;

    public void LevelUp()
        this.level ++;  // plus 1

public void SetAttack(int attack)
        this.attack = attack;

    public int GetAttack()
        return attack;

    public void AttackUp(int increase = 1){
        // default attack increase is 1
        // max of 8

    public void SetDefense(int defense)
        this.defense = defense;

    public int GetDefense()
        return defense;

    public void DefenseUp(int increase = 1){
        // default defense increase is 1
        // max of 8

    public void SetHealth(int health)
    { = health;

    public int GetHealth()
        return health;

    public void HealthUp(int increase = 5){
        // default health increase is 5
        // max of 200

    public void Attack(Entity other)

        // if attack > other.defense then attack
        if (this.attack > other.defense)
            Debug.Log($"{name} at {transform.position} attacks {} at {other.transform.position} with Attack: {attack}");

            // call TakeDamage()

            // draw attack line from enemy to other


    public void TakeDamage(Entity other)
        // other.attack > this.defense
        if (other.GetAttack() > this.defense)
            // decrease health by actual damage.
            Debug.Log($"Other's attack > {name} defense.");
            int actualDamage = other.GetAttack() - this.defense;

            health -= (actualDamage);

            // Instantiate damage number prefab at this position
            GameObject damageNumberObj = Instantiate(damageNumberPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

            if (damageNumberPrefab != null)
                // Set the damage value on the damage number
                DamageNumber damageNumber = damageNumberObj.GetComponent<DamageNumber>();

                if ( <= 0)
                Debug.Log("did not create damage number object.");

        // other.attack < this.defense
            Debug.Log($"{}'s attack of {other.GetAttack()} < {name} defense of {this.defense}.");
    protected virtual void Die()
        // Override this method in derived classes
        Debug.Log($"Entity {name} died!");
    // public void drawLineToPlayer()
    // {
    //     // Set the positions for the LineRenderer (start and end points)
    //     lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, transform.position); // Start position: enemy's position
    //     lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, player.transform.position);    // End position: player's position

    //     // Enable the LineRenderer to make the line visible
    //     lineRenderer.enabled = true;

    //     // Start coroutine to disable LineRenderer after duration
    //     StartCoroutine(DisableLineRendererAfterDelay());
    // }
    // // Coroutine to disable LineRenderer after specified duration
    // private IEnumerator DisableLineRendererAfterDelay()
    // {
    //     yield return new WaitForSeconds(lineDuration);
    //     lineRenderer.enabled = false;
    // }

    public override string ToString()
        string temp = $", Level: {level}";
        temp += $", Health: {health}";
        temp += $", Defense: {defense}";
        temp += $", Attack: {attack}";
        temp += $", Position: {transform.position}";
        return temp;
MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago


MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago


MikeMMattinson commented 2 months ago
