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Riding the Camel: A Practical Guide to TDD with Apache Camel | nick dot blog #2

Open nickmza opened 1 year ago

nickmza commented 1 year ago


haroldcampbell commented 1 year ago

Interesting piece.

imne commented 1 year ago

can you please share the link to the source code

nickmza commented 1 year ago

@imne can you please share the link to the source code

I can't share this specific code as it's proprietary but would be happy to put an example together for you. Is there anything specific you'd like to see covered?

imne commented 1 year ago


@imne can you please share the link to the source code

I can't share this specific code as it's proprietary but would be happy to put an example together for you. Is there anything specific you'd like to see covered?

an example would be great :), essentially unit testing a simple rest endpoint in camel mocking out the response of the route, also a soap service mocking out the route and http response

so maybe for something like this:

public class Example extends RouteBuilder {
    public void configure() throws Exception {
                .setHeader("httpClient.soTimeout", constant("{{default.soTimeout}}"))
                .setHeader(HTTP_METHOD, constant(HttpMethods.POST))
                .setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, constant(APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE))
                .setHeader(ACCEPT, constant(APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE))
                .log("response = ${body}");

if I needed to unit test this and have the external endpoint response "to("")" mocked out.

let's say in this instance the external endpoint being called is "" with just a get

also for a soap call using cxf endpoint what do those unit tests generally look like and the soap call is using this WSDL

imne commented 1 year ago


@imne can you please share the link to the source code

I can't share this specific code as it's proprietary but would be happy to put an example together for you. Is there anything specific you'd like to see covered?

also what does the method "replaceFromWithMock()" look like and what does it do?

nickmza commented 1 year ago

@imne can you please share the link to the source code

Here you go: