nicknem / supertinder

A simple ruby script to automatically swipe on Tinder. Have fun!
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Error :-( #13

Open efraim-il opened 7 years ago

efraim-il commented 7 years ago

Hello :-)

I have updated the facebook ID and the auth required but I still get an error when I try to run it, any chance you can help me understand why?

root@kali:~/supertinder# ruby tinder.rb /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in require': cannot load such file -- watir-webdriver (LoadError) from /usr/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:inrequire' from tinder.rb:6:in `


Edit (!): After searching forever on the net I have managed to solve those error above. (Had to run: gem install watir-webdriver -v 0.9.1

At first, I tried to get my facebook ID and auth from those 2 links. this and this but I guess they were useless because Charles is 100% accurate and the results were absolutely different. (Those website told me that my facebook ID is 127069*0 and my auth key is 257857091296384|hTcWi18Jty_3msA5a**NpVjok)

After some time I read that I need to get those from Charles. Managed to get those and updated supertinder. Then I gave premissions with chmod +x tiber.rb then typed ruby tinder.rb in terminal.

Then It loads but does not work... I can see:

Welcome to SuperTinder ######################## 52cd2a6cf16e64000e54 (edited some of it with asterisks only because I post it here) I hit enter, it shows this one: 97abd6cb-**ac-***e-b962-6f9332b95fd5

Then I hit another enter, and it says "something went wrong" Why is that? :-(

Help would be appreciated :)

efraim-il commented 7 years ago

Just sniffed again and discovered I probably had an error. Instead of using the information on the top I used those below... Here's a picture.


Updated it but I get the same error when I try to run it.

screenshot from 2016-12-19 22-40-05 screenshot from 2016-12-19 22-39-21 screenshot from 2016-12-19 22-39-23

nicknem commented 7 years ago

I can't try it IRL now that I have a girlfriend!

I see that recent changes removed the use for Watir-webdriver. The way I used it is that watir opened a web browser and scraped my fbId and fbAuthToken (if I remember correctly).

Here's how it was done:

# Tinder API         +puts "Paste in your Facebook ID:"
 -base_uri = ""         +fb_token = gets.chomp
 -# -------------        +puts 'Paste your Facebook Auth Token:'
 -# Login        +fb_id = gets.chomp
 -# -------------       
 -# Ask for credentials     
 -puts "Type in your Facebook login"        
 -myLogin = gets.chomp      
 -# Get facebook password without displaying it     
 -puts 'Type your Facebook password'        
 -myPassword = STDIN.noecho(&:gets)     
 -puts '==== FACEBOOK ===='     
 -puts 'Fetching Facebook data...'      
 -browser =      
 -puts 'Fetching your Facebook token'       
 -# Webdriver       
 -browser.goto ',email,public_profile,user_about_me,user_activities,user_birthday,user_education_history,user_friends,user_interests,user_likes,user_location,user_photos,user_relationship_details&response_type=token'       
 -browser.text_field(:id => 'email').when_present.set myLogin       
 -browser.text_field(:id => 'pass').when_present.set myPassword     
 -# browser.button(:name => 'login')     
 -fb_token = /#access_token=(.*)&expires_in/.match(browser.url).captures[0]     
 -puts 'My FB_TOKEN is '+fb_token       
 -puts 'Fetching your Facebook ID...'       
 -# browser.stop        
 -sleep 2       
 -fb_id = /fbid=(.*)&set/.match( =>"profilePicThumb").when_present.href).captures[0]     
 -puts 'My FB_ID is '+fb_id     

Did you try finding your fbId from there:

It's either an error with your fbId or your token I'd say. Did you try logging into the functions autolike and list_chicks ?

Maybe @benbristow can help!

efraim-il commented 7 years ago

Hi man :-) I tried from that website, it's the same I got from Charles. Got the token from Charles as well.

logging into the function like autolike and list_chick? what? ;-)

nicknem commented 7 years ago

I meant inserting puts statements to check if the functions aren't buggy?

I'll give it a try when I have a moment. But try to puts the responses you should be receiving from the Twitter API.

efraim-il commented 7 years ago

Still I don't really understand you. I got another script working but I wonder why this one doesn't work as well ..

Update me if this works for you :)

nicknem commented 7 years ago

I'll let you know!

efraim-il commented 7 years ago


בתאריך יום ה׳, 22 בדצמ׳ 2016, 8:16, מאת Antonin Archer ‏<>:

I'll let you know!

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efraim-il commented 7 years ago

nicknem? Any news? This one ( worked for me but now that I have got tinder plus it stopped working

nicknem commented 7 years ago

Hey, no news and I can't really work on this one. My gf won't like it if I spend hours on Tinder haha !