When running the verification code in "2. Training and Detection" after installing CUDA and CuDNN, I am getting this error "AttributeError: module 'pyparsing' has no attribute 'downcaseTokens'", I have tried a lot of things I saw online including to install an older version of pyparsing, nothing works, I am not getting the "ok" at the end of the output. any help would be appreciated.
also, when running the section of code for installing tensorflow object detection, I am getting a lot of output with one part in red that says "error: avro-python3 1.10.2 is installed but avro-python3!=1.9.2,<1.10.0,>=1.8.1 is required by {'apache-beam'}", so I also tried some fixes for this I found online and also nothing worked, what could it be?
When running the verification code in "2. Training and Detection" after installing CUDA and CuDNN, I am getting this error "AttributeError: module 'pyparsing' has no attribute 'downcaseTokens'", I have tried a lot of things I saw online including to install an older version of pyparsing, nothing works, I am not getting the "ok" at the end of the output. any help would be appreciated. also, when running the section of code for installing tensorflow object detection, I am getting a lot of output with one part in red that says "error: avro-python3 1.10.2 is installed but avro-python3!=1.9.2,<1.10.0,>=1.8.1 is required by {'apache-beam'}", so I also tried some fixes for this I found online and also nothing worked, what could it be?