Open apalapramanik opened 1 year ago
The unbounded future temporal operators (i.e. always, eventually and until) without bounds, are not supported by the runtime monitoring library, as they would need an unbounded horizon to determine the outcome. They are though supported for the offline evaluation (because the entire trace is available, and hence the "future" is determined).
If you have a formula always (phi), you may want either to monitor phi in an online fashion (determining at every point in time the robustness degree of phi at that time) or historically(phi) (which remebers what has been the worst robustness degree pf phi so far).
I hope this helps.
How can I enable online monitoring? Specification phi gets value in terms of ros msg. In the paper how have you used the specification "out.value = always(abs(cmd.linear.x - robot.twist.twist.linear.x ) <= 0.5)" ? I want to do something similar but I am unable to figure out.
Running RTAMT4ROS for a simple specification (always(value>1)) raises this exception:
"raise LTLNotImplementedException('Always operator is not implemented in the STL online monitor.') rtamt.exception.ltl.exception.LTLNotImplementedException: Always operator is not implemented in the STL online monitor."
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