nickpetersen93 / LIQ_HD

Lick Instance Quantifier Home cage Device
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Issue with data analysis app #6

Open silasjh opened 1 month ago

silasjh commented 1 month ago

Hello, recently my lab has started using your LIQ HD for research. Everything has worked perfectly but I do have one issue/question about the data analysis app. We cannot figure how to get more than 7 bins of data for a 4-hour period. For example, we got 4 hours of data for a mouse, and we can only have 7 half an hour periods on a graph. Could you explain this to me or help me out? (This is what I want it to look like: ! [HD first graph] ( But I can only get it to look like this: ! [Single Housed Adult Female - Lick number 30 min bins] (

Your help would be much appreciated.

nickpetersen93 commented 1 month ago

I am currently working on updating the app and making a how-to guide that will hopefully be up soon! From what you describe, it may be that your 4-hour period is not a full 4 hours. For example, if the recording is 3 hours and 59 minutes, the last 29-minute bin will not be included thus truncating it to only 7 30-minute bins. It could also be that the "cycle start time" is cutting off part of your recording. Because we usually set up the cages toward the end of the light cycle and have long recording sessions lasting multiple days, we truncate the start of the data analysis to always start at the beginning of the first dark cycle. If you set the "cycle start time" to 0, it will start the binning from the first data entry point. Hope this helps! Feel free to shoot me an email and I can share the current app version and give you a quick walkthrough: