Dynamic Forms like those in Airtable. Any class can be used. Razor doesn't support generics, but blazor might.
.razor components should only have the minimal html needed and only change based on config or the type (T). That's it. I don't want to write html over and over again.
Find a way to use named .razor components in Razor (without going full-blown Blazor)
Update! Resources found:
Best: https://mikaelkoskinen.net/post/combining-razor-blazor-pages-single-asp-net-core-3-Application
Others: https://www.mikesdotnetting.com/article/338/using-razor-components-in-a-razor-page https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1167274/how-to-use-blazor-webassembly-in-razor-pages