nickrobinson251 / PowerFlowData.jl

Parser of PSS/E-format Power Flow Raw Data Files (.raw)
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Add ability to parse MATPOWER data?! #60

Open nickrobinson251 opened 2 years ago

nickrobinson251 commented 2 years ago

Prompted by discussion in

Turns out power systems research has more than one very silly data format to deal with 😂 😭

We could consider broadening the scope of the package to also parse matpower data... I think this only makes sense in this package (rather than its own package) if we can re-use a decent amount of what we have here, and broadly take the same approach (parsing the files byte-by-byte, having sections described by their own struct, etc).

Some specific ways in which matpower data is even more gross than PSS/E:

Probably other ways too... I'd never looked at this format before, so likely there's more to discover!

I think worth investigating further

frapac commented 2 years ago

Hi! As a follow up to our discussion, we have tried to implement a generic parser, supporting both MATPOWER and PSSE files. The idea is:

Our demo exports the dataset as a PowerFlowData.Network structure. The code can be found here:

The question is: would it make sense to integrate this in PowerFlowData.jl? The motives are:

  1. I don't think it would make sense to spend time implementing a new MATPOWER's parser.
  2. It would be very convenient to have a generic parser for power systems, supported by the community.

Overall, we have found PowerFlowData.jl convenient to use, and well implemented. The only default (for us) is that the structures have a lot of attributes, and sometimes it's hard to figure out the naming without referring to the documentation. For example these attributes. The structures specifying the ownership (Owner) are also hard to understand, with vectors mixing Float64 and missing values. In the end, we get a lot of boilerplate code, just to import the dataset properly in a Network structure... But this may be related to our implementation itself, which is far from being optimized.