nicksp / dotfiles

My personal dotfiles: Zsh, Git, VSCode, WezTerm, etc.
MIT License
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Unistall #7

Closed asaduzzaman-shuvro closed 4 months ago

asaduzzaman-shuvro commented 6 years ago

How can uninstall the them?

Razpudding commented 6 years ago

I'd also like to know this. The install didn't completely work for me. It still loads up bash and when I switch to zsh I get a lot of weird output and my cli changes to \[\033]0;\w\007\]\[\]\n\[\]\u\[\] at \[\]\h\[\] in \[\]\w$(prompt_git " on ")\n\[\]$ \[\]

So what's the best way to revert back to my old setting? Just delete the dotfiles folder and move back the stuff from dotfiles_old?