Hi, thanks for your "Make Symbolic Link" service, it's very handy!
I thought it was looking a little plain in the services menu, so I thought I'd whip up a simple icon. I'm no designer, so it's nothing special, but I think it does the trick. It's modeled after the alias/symlink icon badge used in the Finder, but it's not actually derived from that image. I created it from scratch in Acorn.
Hi, thanks for your "Make Symbolic Link" service, it's very handy!
I thought it was looking a little plain in the services menu, so I thought I'd whip up a simple icon. I'm no designer, so it's nothing special, but I think it does the trick. It's modeled after the alias/symlink icon badge used in the Finder, but it's not actually derived from that image. I created it from scratch in Acorn.