nicm / fdm

fdm source code
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Feature Request: Could you please significantly increase the upper limit for maximum-size, or (better) remove that limit at all? #137

Open Binarus opened 11 months ago

Binarus commented 11 months ago

Dear nicm,

at first, thank you very much for fdm!

After more than 20 years with fetchmail, we plan to switch to fdm and we are currently testing it. We have it nearly working as intended, but there is a show stopper:

The upper limit for maximum-size seems to be 1 GB (1024 MB), which is way too low. Is it possible to deactivate the size limit at all (e.g., set maximum-size 0 could mean that there is no maximum size, but this currently not the case)? If this is not possible, could the upper limit for maximum-size be increased to at least 1 TB?

I assume that the upper limit for maximum-size is a const or a #define in the source code. I eventually could spot it and then compile my own version. But I am unsure about the side effects. For example, if there are situations where fdm tries to load a certain percentage of a message into memory, it would be a bad idea to have set maximum-size 1024G in the configuration file.

Could you please give a short hint about the side effects of increasing the upper limit for maximum-size?

Thank you very much in advance, and best regards,
