nicoSWD / carillon

Hackintosh startup boot "Chime" sound via LaunchDaemon
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Carillon debug version #5

Open Mandaraxa opened 10 years ago

Mandaraxa commented 10 years ago

Hi Nico. I tried all versions but all I get are 2 clicks in my speakers, but not the chime. This is my last log about Carillon.

"21/10/13 08:55:32,070 sudo[1817]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.srjLxZ/Scripts/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.nicoswd.Carillon.plist 21/10/13 08:55:32,137 sudo[1820]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.srjLxZ/Scripts/com.nicoswd.carillon.Carillon.pkg.ez2sNp ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/Carillon 21/10/13 08:57:26,381 Carillon[24]: Untrusted apps are not allowed to connect to Window Server before login. 21/10/13 08:57:26,381 Carillon[24]: Set a breakpoint at CGSLogError to catch errors as they are logged. 21/10/13 08:57:26,381 Carillon[24]: On-demand launch of the Window Server is allowed for root user only. 21/10/13 08:57:26,381 Carillon[24]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102) 21/10/13 08:57:26,382 Carillon[24]: On-demand launch of the Window Server is allowed for root user only. 21/10/13 08:57:26,382 Carillon[24]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1102) 21/10/13 08:57:26,382 Carillon[24]: This user is not allowed access to the window system right now. 21/10/13 08:57:26,401 Carillon[24]: _RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL."

I hope it will help. ALC887 with Mavericks GM.