nicoalbanese / kirimase

Build full-stack Next.js apps, incredibly fast
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Missing DB Generate command #120

Closed thecmdrunner closed 5 months ago

thecmdrunner commented 5 months ago

Config File

  "hasSrc": true,
  "packages": [
  "preferredPackageManager": "pnpm",
  "t3": true,
  "alias": "@",
  "rootPath": "src/",
  "orm": "drizzle",
  "auth": "next-auth",
  "provider": "planetscale",
  "driver": "mysql",
  "componentLib": "shadcn-ui"

Describe the bug There's a db:generate command shown after kirimase init but no generate script is found in the package.json.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run kirimase init after T3 setup - drizzle, next-auth, tailwind.
  2. try running pnpm run db:generate command shown on the screen (See image 1)
  3. See error -  ERR_PNPM_NO_SCRIPT  Missing script: db:generate (See image 2)

Expected behavior

The generate command should exist




Desktop (please complete the following information):

nicoalbanese commented 5 months ago

Thanks! For now, I've just removed the generate command if t3 is detected. Cheers!