nicoalbanese / kirimase

Build full-stack Next.js apps, incredibly fast
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db:push script missing from drizzle and postgres configuration #185

Closed JulioBarros closed 1 day ago

JulioBarros commented 2 months ago

Config File { "hasSrc": true, "packages": [ "shadcn-ui", "drizzle", "lucia" ], "preferredPackageManager": "pnpm", "t3": false, "alias": "@", "analytics": true, "rootPath": "src/", "componentLib": "shadcn-ui", "driver": "pg", "provider": "postgresjs", "orm": "drizzle", "auth": "lucia" }

Describe the bug I used pnpm dlx kirimase@latest init to create a new project. It all seemed to work fine but the "db:push": "drizzle-kit push:pg", was missing from package.json.

I believe it should be there. If not, sorry about the confusion.

To Reproduce Create a new project with the options above.

Expected behavior It should have the db:push command

Desktop (please complete the following information): MacOS 14.4.1

nicoalbanese commented 1 day ago

fixed with #196