nicoalbanese / kirimase

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Would need to update Drizzle DB generate command #197

Closed shafinshaikh closed 3 days ago

shafinshaikh commented 1 week ago

Config File { "hasSrc": false, "packages": [ "shadcn-ui", "drizzle", "lucia" ], "preferredPackageManager": "npm", "t3": false, "alias": "@", "analytics": true, "rootPath": "", "componentLib": "shadcn-ui", "driver": "sqlite", "provider": "better-sqlite3", "orm": "drizzle", "auth": "lucia" }

Description of the bug image While running "npm run db:generate" I get the error " This command is deprecated, please use updated 'generate' command (see" Here are logs:

tokenwale@0.1.0 db:generate drizzle-kit generate:sqlite

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go via kirimase config route
  2. Try generating first instance of db
  3. See error

Expected behavior Drizzle db should be generated at this particular step

Desktop (please complete the following information):

nicoalbanese commented 3 days ago

Resolved with #194