nicodel / Run-Bike-Hike

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Name of exported tracks should include date (and time?) #99

Open Bonbadil opened 9 years ago

Bonbadil commented 9 years ago

Hello, If I want to export two tracks with the same name, the second export fail with a non-localised message "NoModificationAllowedError" because we try to overwrite an already existing file. Could we add the date (and time?) to the file name before the track name, as you do for the default name of a new track?

nicodel commented 9 years ago

Hi, Yes this mesage, in this case, is displayed when a file already exist. I don't know if allowing the user to export the same file several times without telling him that he did already export it, is a good idea. There could be 2 improvments there: 1/ Making messages more clear on what is going wrong. Something like : « File already exist (you already expoted it). » 2/ Propose to change the name.