nicoduj / homebridge-harmony

Harmony websocket plugin for homebridge
The Unlicense
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mainActivity with "Apple TV" or "AppleTV" fails with WARNING #396

Closed jvaleski closed 6 months ago

jvaleski commented 2 years ago

configuring mainActivity to "Apple TV" or "AppleTV" fails with the following warning during plugin startup.

No main Activity that match config file found, default to first one

workaround is to set said activity in Harmony to some other string (e.g. "abc"), and then set the plugin's mainActivity to that.

nicoduj commented 2 years ago

Hi, double check the log and the name of the activity, it is case sensitive

jvaleski commented 2 years ago

I double checked many times to no avail. I just used the activity rename workaround and it worked. something about "Apple*" doesn't work.

nicoduj commented 2 years ago

Hi, it seems strange. Are you tlaking about the name inside harmony app, or Home app ? The name in the plugin config should be the one in Harmony app. You can rename in home app, but config must remains on harmony settings.

Please post startup logs if you want me to check further.

scottleestrange commented 2 years ago

Strange. I have 4 hubs with the main activity “Watch AppleTV” and no issues. However I did see this error once. It went away after I simply refreshed the config and restarted the bridge. But defiantly something