In usage of compact mode, after the merge into the master, I try to commit this merged branch.
It doesn`t rendering correctly. The commit from the merged branch renders with a broken path:
var master = gitgraph.branch("master").commit({subject: "", body: "1.0" }).tag("1.0");
var feature = gitgraph.branch("feature").commit({ subject: "", body: '1.1'}).tag("1.1");
feature.commit({subject:"", body: "extend feature"}).tag("1.2");
The branch will be rendering correctly, if the master is after the merge commited, but this is not a possible usecase for me.
Is there a way to avoid this broken path of the branch, that render?
Thanks you for your help.
Best wishes
Kevin Klein
In usage of compact mode, after the merge into the master, I try to commit this merged branch. It doesn`t rendering correctly. The commit from the merged branch renders with a broken path: