nicokaiser / rpi-audio-receiver

Raspberry Pi Audio Receiver with Bluetooth A2DP, AirPlay 2, and Spotify Connect
MIT License
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How to add volumecontrol to alsamixer #175

Open karagir opened 1 week ago

karagir commented 1 week ago

With wifi disabled, the on-board bluetooth is working just fine on zero 2w. I have: dtparam=i2s=on



At present alsamixer shows: This sound device does not have any controls

How can we enable the volume control in the gui? I need to control volume using: amixer -c 0 set PCM 1.5dB+ amixer -c 0 set PCM 1.5dB- amixer -c 0 set PCM unmute amixer -c 0 set PCM toggle amixer -c 0 set PCM mute

or similar commands.

I need this to map commands to ir key codes. Kindly look into this Thanks in advance!!

karagir commented 1 week ago

Is there any way that I can install pipewire-alsa and make it work? After pipewire-alsa is installed, the alsamixer shows volume control and the following commands work, but there is no audio output.

amixer -D pipewire sset Master 5%+ amixer -D pipewire sset Master 5%- amixer -D pipewire sset Master toggle

Kindly look into how we can make this application work with some volume up/dn and mute commands to work with headless RPi and i2s sound card. Thanks!!