nicokruger / android-maven-phonegap

Android/Maven/Phonegap bootstrap app
16 stars 7 forks source link

PhoneGap Repo #1

Closed gabac closed 12 years ago

gabac commented 12 years ago

On which maven is the phonegap repo to be found. Could you please provide a URL?

jayproulx commented 12 years ago


nicokruger commented 12 years ago

Do you mean where to find the maven artifact?

I just installed the phonegap android JAR into my local maven repository. I'm not sure if it's available on any public repos. If it is, I will change the POM.

The syntax to install into local maven repo is with mvn install:install-file if I recall correctly.

nicokruger commented 12 years ago

I see phonegap is called callback now as well, which wasn't the case when I played with this. Let me know if you guys come right or not.

Which maven version are you using? I was still using 2 when I did this.

jayproulx commented 12 years ago

PhoneGap is based on Callback which is actually called Cordova now :)

I was hoping for a publicly maintained Apache maven repo, we've added them to our local repo which is working for now, but it's always nice to lean on something you don't have to maintain yourself :)

nicokruger commented 12 years ago

Yeah I totally agree. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any such repo. Installing locally was the only way to get it to integrate with maven.

Interesting that they keep on changing the name though :) Is the code/config in this project even still working?

gabac commented 12 years ago

It worked for me. We also installed phonegap in our local repo.