nicolalandro / train_coqui_tts_ita

My guide to create an italian TTS with Coqui
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There are duplicate characters in the character set #1

Open AlessioMTX opened 1 year ago

AlessioMTX commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've downloaded the model from .

However I'm stuck with an error AssertionError: [!] There are duplicate characters in the character set. {')', '?', ',', ';', "'", '.', '!', ':', '-', '(', ' '}

The code is this one:

from TTS.api import TTS

tts = TTS(model_path="best_model.pth.tar", config_path="config.json", progress_bar=False, gpu=False)
tts.tts_to_file('Ciao, mi chiamo Alessio e vivo in campagna', file_path='output1.wav')
filippoelgorni commented 5 days ago

@AlessioMTX did you manage to solve this? Having the same exact problem atm :/