nicolargo / glances

Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
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webserver can't be access #1486

Open trimbilrepo opened 5 years ago

trimbilrepo commented 5 years ago

I tried to run glances as webserver using glances -w -d Glances Web User Interface started on

there is no error in the terminal. however, when I tried access from web browser, it doesnt show any, it just says "This site can’t be reached"

my firewall is disable, no iptables or port blocking in the server. could somebody help me?

Glances v3.1.0 with psutil v5.6.2 CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

nicolargo commented 5 years ago

Any HTTP proxy configure on your browser ?

Juniversey commented 5 years ago

what's your run command?

droidforever commented 1 year ago

I am having the same problem. I apologize as I am a n00b. I have installed with curl, apt, pip, and docker none which show a webpage. I tried starting glances with glances -w and glances -s with the same result. Obviously I am missing a step here somewhere. Could someone help me resolve this issue.

Debian 10 latest glances

Tenagy commented 5 months ago

I was able to get mine going by explicitly setting the BIND_ADDRESS and PORT. Below is the command I used:

glances -w -B -p 8086

Just swap the IP with the IPV4 address of the machine your monitoring, and whatever port you want.

trimbilrepo commented 1 month ago

Any HTTP proxy configure on your browser ?

No, there is no HTTP proxy configuration on my browser