nicolas-steenhout / main

For my main site - jekyll and gh pages
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Speaking page adjustment #37

Closed vavroom closed 1 month ago

vavroom commented 1 month ago
  1. The "hire nic for your next engagement" text seems so big it's hard to read. I could see an auditor flagging this as "if it's got such visual weight, it should be a heading". More importantly, I don't think it's catching the attention and comprehension of the readers. It'll be hard to parse and hard to act upon.
  2. The keynote and presentation topics section - could we make that with the dark blue background, a bit like on the homepage? Just to add variation on the page?
  3. I'll be adding some photos of me speaking. Probably 2 or 3. Could you please add placeholders for those?
digilou commented 1 month ago

closed #46