nicolas-steenhout / main

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Styling "Book Nic" CTA #77

Closed vavroom closed 1 week ago

vavroom commented 1 month ago

Added a couple instances of "Book Nic" links on the Speaking page. These need to be styled!

I'm thinking something similar to the CTA on But not in red.

I have one set against the light blue/grey, and one set against the dark. I'd like them to be nice and visible. Centered. Rounded corners.

Hope that makes sense :)

digilou commented 2 weeks ago

@vavroom You mean... like a BUTTON?!? ;)

vavroom commented 2 weeks ago

No. A button does some thing. A link goes somewhere. And this goes to my contact form! It should look different than the link so it grabs attention. But it should not look like a button, because you interact with a button differently than the link. One uses the spacebar. One uses the return key. But you know that!