nicolas-steenhout / main

For my main site - jekyll and gh pages
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Sizing issues - Globals #80

Closed vavroom closed 5 days ago

vavroom commented 3 weeks ago

◦ When resized (set to dimensions for 1.4.4), “Contact” overflows to expanded container. When set to reflow dimensions, “Podcast” and “Contact” overflow. ◦ In reflow (320x256), you need to scroll in two directions, and some of the text overflows the container, leading to contrast issues. ◦ iOS/Safari – increasing text size makes the page pretty much unreadable ◦ Android/Chrome – not all text resizes. See bug:

vavroom commented 2 weeks ago


This is on Safari/iOS - default size

digilou commented 1 week ago

I believe this is stemming from my grid layouts that use minmax().

Working on a solution...

digilou commented 1 week ago

@vavroom Double-check for me on some of this, since I've made several adjustments.

vavroom commented 5 days ago

Can't replicate - seems fixed.