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Dark/light mode - header #93

Closed vavroom closed 2 weeks ago

vavroom commented 3 weeks ago

◦ The dark and light mode controls are applied when the radio buttons are clicked. Would be better with an apply button. ◦ The preference for dark or light mode isn’t stored and has to be updated on every page. Saving the preference could be a quick fix. Although, would you then need a cookie notice?

vavroom commented 3 weeks ago

Ooooh, ooomph!

I hadn't spotted the non permanence of the dark mode preference.

I do think we'd need a cookie to make this work - unless you can think of another option?

Do we need to nuke this user preference setting and rely on user preference at OS/browser setting to pick dark vs light mode?

digilou commented 2 weeks ago

@vavroom We could nuke user preferences. Or I could add a JS line for LocalStorage, maybe?

I'll prioritize other stuff first, then see what time is left.

vavroom commented 2 weeks ago

@digilou Let's nuke for now. Can always revive at a later date.