Closed TBK closed 5 years ago
Merged. I also switched the project to a git flow branching model because I prefer that as soon as we have some kind of continuous deployment.
Thanks for your contribution ! I didn't tested CircleCI before but the ability to directly compile through the CI is certainly a good thing for this project !
Sorry, forgot to write that I renamed the release pkg libc name to reference the libc implementation so not to favouritise a specific distro (musl distros include Alpine, Void Linux, Exherbo...).
Drone is pretty cool. Based on Docker. The free public offering is pretty new (sponsored by Lots of project have started to adopt it including Alpine Linux.
I have been playing around with Drone CI building different pipelines for different project to become proficient.
Drone CI is from my experience a lot faster then other free offerings and to my knowledge the only one at the moment offering multi arch support (amd64, arm64, arm).
The pipeline I have created for multirun builds, runs the tests for musl and glibc on amd64. If both are successful and a git tag has been pushed it will also make a GitHub release.
To use Drone CI, login at and authorize GitHub and activate the multirun repo.
To use the GitHub release feature create a new personal token on GitHub (, give it an appropriate name and grant it public_repo access.
In the Drone CI multirun Settings (, find the "Secrets" section and create a new one called _githubtoken and paste the token from GitHub.
The Drone CI docs can be found at