nicolasbeauvais / vue-social-sharing

A renderless Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, compatible with SSR
MIT License
1.39k stars 196 forks source link

Nuxt 3 compostion compatible #361

Open ssglopes opened 4 months ago

ssglopes commented 4 months ago

Considering the list of addressed issues I decided to convert this package myself into a component that works with nuxt 3. Credits go to the original author of this package. I updated it to fix some reported bugs that I noticed and to have a version working with Nuxt 3 and Vue 3. I did not make a new repo for this, everything needed is in the below component. I just post here the component for others to use as they see fit.

// componentName = BaseShareNetwork.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
const useNetworks = {
  baidu: '',
  buffer: '',
  email: 'mailto:?subject=@t&body=@u%0D%0A@d',
  evernote: '',
  facebook: '',
  flipboard: '',
  hackernews: '',
  instapaper: '',
  line: '',
  linkedin: '',
  messenger: 'fb-messenger://share/?link=@u',
  odnoklassniki: '',
  pinterest: '',
  pocket: '',
  quora: '',
  reddit: '',
  skype: '',
  sms: 'sms:?body=@t%0D%0A@u%0D%0A@d',
  stumbleupon: '',
  telegram: '',
  tumblr: '',
  x: '',
  viber: 'viber://forward?text=@t%0D%0A@u%0D%0A@d',
  vk: '',
  weibo: '',
  whatsapp: '',
  wordpress: '',
  xing: '',
  yammer: ''
let $window = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null
const popupTop = ref(0)
const popupLeft = ref(0)
const popupInterval = ref(null)
const emit = defineEmits(['open:network', 'close:network', 'change:network'])
const props = defineProps({
   * Name of the network to display.
  network: {
    type: String,
    required: true

   * URL of the content to share.
  url: {
    type: String,
    required: true

   * Title of the content to share.
  title: {
    type: String,
    required: true

   * Description of the content to share.
  description: {
    type: String,
    default: ''

   * Quote content, used for Facebook.
  quote: {
    type: String,
    default: ''

   * Hashtags, used for Twitter and Facebook.
  hashtags: {
    type: String,
    default: ''

   * Twitter user, used for Twitter
   * @var string
  twitterUser: {
    type: String,
    default: ''

   * Media to share, used for Pinterest
  media: {
    type: String,
    default: ''

   * Properties to configure the popup window.
  popup: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => ({
      width: 626,
      height: 436

 * List of available networks
const networks = computed(() => {
  return useNetworks

 * Formatted network name.
const key = computed(() => {

 * Network sharing raw sharing link.
const rawLink = computed(() => {
  const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()

   * On IOS, SMS sharing link need a special formatting
   * Source:
  if (key.value === 'sms' && (ua.indexOf('iphone') > -1 || ua.indexOf('ipad') > -1)) {
    return networks.value[key.value].replace(':?', ':&')
  return networks.value[key.value]

 * Create the url for sharing.
const shareLink = computed(() => {
  let link = rawLink.value
   * Twitter sharing shouldn't include empty parameter
   * Source:
  if (key.value === 'x') {
    if (!props.hashtags.length) link = link.replace('&hashtags=@h', '')
    if (!props.twitterUser.length) link = link.replace('@tu', '')
  return link
    .replace(/@tu/g, '&via=' + encodeURIComponent(props.twitterUser))
    .replace(/@u/g, encodeURIComponent(props.url))
    .replace(/@t/g, encodeURIComponent(props.title))
    .replace(/@d/g, encodeURIComponent(props.description))
    .replace(/@q/g, encodeURIComponent(props.quote))
    .replace(/@h/g, encodedHashtags.value)
    .replace(/@m/g, encodeURIComponent(

 * Encoded hashtags for the current social network.
const encodedHashtags = computed(() => {
  if (key.value === 'facebook' && props.hashtags.length) {
    return '%23' + props.hashtags.split(',')[0]
  return props.hashtags

 * Center the popup on multi-screens
const resizePopup = () => {
  const width = $window.innerWidth || (document.documentElement.clientWidth || $window.screenX)
  const height = $window.innerHeight || (document.documentElement.clientHeight || $window.screenY)
  const systemZoom = width / $window.screen.availWidth
  popupLeft.value = (width - props.popup.width) / 2 / systemZoom + ($window.screenLeft !== undefined ? $window.screenLeft : $window.screenX)
  popupTop.value = (height - props.popup.height) / 2 / systemZoom + ($window.screenTop !== undefined ? $window.screenTop : $window.screenY)

 * Shares URL in specified network.
const share = () => {
  let popupWindow
  // If a popup window already exist, we close it and trigger a change event.
  if (popupWindow && popupInterval.value) {
    // Force close (for Facebook)
  popupWindow = $
      'sharer-' + key.value,
      ',height=' + props.popup.height +
      ',width=' + props.popup.width +
      ',left=' + popupLeft.value +
      ',top=' + popupTop.value +
      ',screenX=' + popupLeft.value +
      ',screenY=' + popupTop.value
  // If popup are prevented (AdBlocker, Mobile App context..), popup.window stays undefined and we can't display it
  if (!popupWindow) return
  // Create an interval to detect popup closing event
  popupInterval.value = setInterval(() => {
    if (!popupWindow || popupWindow.closed) {
      popupWindow = null
  }, 500)

 * Touches network and emits click event.
const touch = () => {, '_blank')

const doEmit = (action) => {
  emit(`${action}:network`, { 
    network: key.value, 
    share_url: props.url
  <div :class="`share-network-${key}`" @click="rawLink.substring(0, 4) === 'http' ? share() : touch()"><slot /></div>

An example on how to use:

          v-for="(icon, index) in shareOn"
          class="!text-black hover:text-lime-500 inline-flex justify-center items-center border bg-slate-50 rounded-full w-[26px] h-[26px]"
          :hashtags="postStore.keywords(post.tags) ?? ''"
          <BaseIcon :name="icon.platform" class="text-black hover:text-lime-500 text-xs inline" />
dixiaoping commented 3 months ago

Hello, please tell me, this package of the author should also support vue3.

withgogo commented 2 months ago

@ssglopes Thanks, it works great!

NeutelingsRiedijk commented 1 month ago

@ssglopes excellent job, thanks! Makes it much more easy to customize and maintain like that, just 1 component :)

amadeann commented 1 month ago

If anyone needs it, I rewrote it in a framework-agnostic way, also 1 file:

Example usage with alpine.js:

published on npm as well: