nicolasdao / graphql-s2s

Add GraphQL Schema support for type inheritance, generic typing, metadata decoration. Transpile the enriched GraphQL string schema into the standard string schema understood by graphql.js and the Apollo server client.
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Question: Syntax highlighting for vscode #46

Open FrederickEngelhardt opened 3 years ago

FrederickEngelhardt commented 3 years ago

Is anyone doing syntax highlight for the raw string with vscode?

So far I've got it working by doing a hacky apolloserver gql subtitution


const gql = (s) => `${s}`

const schema = gql`
 type YourTypes {}

This will highlight the standard queries but obviously omits the extensions. Anyone get further with this?

nicolasdao commented 3 years ago

I usually store my schema in its own schema.graphql file and the resolver in its own resolver.js. Vscode should support code highlighting for .graphql file.

My code is usually structured like this:

- src/
   |__ graphql/
          |__ product/
          |       |__ schema.graphql
          |       |__ resolver.js
          |__ variant/
                  |__ schema.graphql
                  |__ resolver.js

- index.js
- package.json

I've added an example of schema.graphql and resolver.js in the annex of this message.

Where you can see that I breakdown my domain model in their own schema and resolver.

I use to assemble the schema and resolver in the root index.js as follow:

const { transpileSchema } = require('graphql-s2s').graphqls2s
const { graphqlHandler } = require('graphql-serverless')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require('graphql-tools')
const glue = require('schemaglue')

const { schema, resolver } = glue('src/graphql')

const executableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
    typeDefs: [transpileSchema(schema)],
    resolvers: resolver

const graphqlOptions = {
  schema: executableSchema,
  graphiql: { // If you do not want to host any GraphiQl web interface, leave this property undefined.
    endpoint: '/graphiql' 

// Host a GraphQl API on 2 endpoints: '/' and '/graphiql'. '/graphiql' is used to host the GraphiQL web interface.
// If you're not interested in the GraphiQl web interface, leave the above 'graphqlOptions.graphiql' undefined and 
// replace the path following ['/', '/graphiql'] with '/'.
app.all(['/', '/graphiql'], graphqlHandler(graphqlOptions))

// Starting the server 
app.listen(4000, () => console.log('Server start. Go to http://localhost:4000/graphiql'))


# src/graphql/variant/schema.graphql

type Variant {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  shortDescription: String

type Query {
  variants(id: Int): [Variant]
// src/graphql/variant/resolver.js

const { graphqlError } = require('graphql-serverless')

const variantMocks = [{ id: 1, name: 'Variant A', shortDescription: 'First variant.' }, { id: 2, name: 'Variant B', shortDescription: 'Second variant.' }]

exports.resolver = {
  Query: {
    variants(root, { id }, context) {
      const results = id ? variantMocks.filter(p => == id) : variantMocks
      if (results.length > 0)
        return results
        throw graphqlError(404, `Variant with id ${id} does not exist.`)