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Game Technique # #123

Open nicolasdb opened 4 years ago

nicolasdb commented 4 years ago


Dans le bouquin Actionable Gamification Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards de Yu-kai Chou

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nicolasdb commented 4 years ago

You will also start to notice many “Game Technique numbers (#s)” that follow each Game Technique mentioned. These Game Technique #s are part of a scavenger hunt that originated from my website My readers would try to collect all the numbers, which will one day result in some fascinating things that one can do with Octalysis down the road. One key thing to remember is that the entire premise behind the Octalysis Design Framework is that one should not be too stuck on game mechanics, game techniques, or any outer appearances of a design. Rather, one should focus on the Core Drives and how it brings out motivation in an actionable manner. The Game Techniques, as well as the associated #s, are all just bells and whistles for great motivational design. If you do not focus on the Core Drives, it will simply have the Shell of an engaging game, not the Essence.

Game Technique # 01: Status points, pg116 Status Points, and Exchangeable Points. Status Points are for keeping score of progress Game Technique # 02: Achievement symbol, pg93 the ebay Yellow Star Certificate! Game Technique # 03: Leaderboards, pg119 Game Technique # 04: progress bars, pg111 Game Technique # 10: Narrative, pg80 (90) Game Technique # 11: Plant Picker/Meaningful Choices, pg152 Beyond choices that allow people to feel like they are empowered, there are choices that are truly meaningful and demonstrates preferences that are not obviously superior over others Game Technique # 16: Collection Sets, pg53 (63) Game Technique # 19: Milestone unlock, pg148 “Let me beat this boss and then I’m done.” Game Technique # 21: Appointment Dynamics, pg255 With Appointment Dynamics, the trigger is time Game Technique # 22: group quests, pg219 Game Technique # 23: beginner's luck, pg85 Game Technique # 24: free lunch, pg86 Game Technique # 26: Elitism, pg82 Game Technique # 27: Humanity hero, pg81 (91) Game Technique # 28: Glowing choice, pg103 In almost all cases, if you just blindly follow the Glowing Choices, you will end up losing the game. Game Technique # 30: Easter Eggs/Sudden Rewards, p297 Game Technique # 31: boosters, pg145 where a player obtains something to help them achieve the win-state effectively Game Technique # 37: Evolved UI, pg262 The problem with most user interfaces is that they’re too complex during the Onboarding stage, while too basic for the Endgame Game Technique # 38: the desert oasis, pg104 the only part of the page that is visually “colorful,” and the eyes automatically are guided to that direction. Game Technique # 40: Chain combos, pg480 Game Technique # 42: Monitor Attachment, pg188 kpi Game Technique # 43: Build-From-Scratch, pg181 Game Technique # 44: Dangling, pg249 regularly shows you an appealing mansion that you want but can’t have. Game Technique # 46: Rightful Heritage pg326 This is when a system first makes a user believe something rightfully belongs to them (remember expectations matter a lot?), and then makes them feel like it will be taken away if they don’t commit the Desired Action. Game Technique # 50: The Sunk Cost Prison, pg334 This occurs when you invest so much time into something, that even when it’s no longer enjoyable, you continue to commit the Desired Actions because you don’t want to feel the loss of giving up on everything. Game Technique # 53: last mile drive, pg93 users feel that they are so close to the goal that they rush to complete it Game Technique # 55: water coolers, pg226 Game Technique # 57: Brag buttons, pg216 Game Technique # 58: Conformity Anchor, pg224 to show them a chart comparing them to their neighbors. Game Technique # 61: Mentorship, pg213 Game Technique # 62: social prods, pg222 A Social Prod is an action of minimal effort to create a social interaction, often a simple click of a button Game Technique # 63: social treasures, pg221 Social Treasures are gifts or rewards that can only be given to you by friends or other players. Game Technique # 64: Trophy shelf, pg216 Game Technique # 65: countdown timer, pg93 before the time runs out Game Technique # 66: torture break, pg93, where a user must wait an interval of time regardless of their actions Game Technique # 67: Moats, pg85 "douve" sorte de conditions pour bénéficier d'un avantage Game Technique # 69: Anchored Juxtaposition , pg249 Game Technique # 71: Oracle Effect, pg448 where a prediction about the future causes the user to become fully engaged to see whether the “prophecy” will become true or not. Game Technique # 72: Mystery Boxes/Random Rewards, pg295 Game Technique # 75: Exchangeable Points, pg186 Game Technique # 83: the alfred effect, pg97 constantly learning about your preferences and personalizing what you see to who you are Game Technique # 84: FOMO punch, pg330 “Fear of Missing Out”, we fear losing what we have, but we also fear losing what we could have had Game Technique # 85: Status Quo Sloth, pg57 (67) “I’ll definitely sign up tomorrow.” Game Technique # 86: Evanescent Opportunities , pg329 Game Technique # 89: Poison Picker/Choice Perception, pg149 people like something more when they are given a choice Game Technique # 92: the rockstar effect, pg 112 where you make users feel like everyone is dying to interact with them