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[Erasmus] Gota de Agua - Portugal #141

Open nicolasdb opened 2 years ago

nicolasdb commented 2 years ago


Workshop Erasmus+ water/environmental awareness. "Gota de Agua" = water drop. The program for the 2 weeks is divided in two phases (weeks), the first week is about learning and exploring on basics technology and skills. Micro:bit, arduino, a bit of woodworking, "precious plastic" also will express tech for production. The second week is about DIY, the maker way. We use the format hackathon but to make. It's about challenging them to resolve a problem, with the skills they learned.

BUT... COVID happen, and we had a positive test 3 days after we started. Which mean 10days quarantine, safety rules, keeping people /flat, no other contact and testing everybody (PCR) What to do know?


It has a clear effect of the mindset of participant. We had to wait 3 days before making the PCR test, then wait for the result. We needed to adapt to the new situation. Wifi was a huge pain in the ass, for it was not stable and limited to 4G router. Participants developed a way to exchange locally files with a raspberry pi and a local network. This was needed to restart workshop, making video and sharing them so participants could follow instruction on their flat. But eventually, result came and everyone was negative. yeah. We was still in quarantine but more relax and activities could be resumed, with mask, and 4 days before the end, to do 2 weeks of workshop as planned.

nicolasdb commented 2 years ago

Time for some fun

Let's make an ARG!

An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by players' ideas or actions. The form is defined by intense player involvement with a story that takes place in real time and evolves according to players' responses. Players interact directly with characters in the game, solve plot-based challenges and puzzles, and collaborate as a community to analyze the story and coordinate real-life and online activities. ARGs generally use multimedia, such as telephones, email, and mail but rely on the Internet as the central binding medium.

reality vs storytelling

We were confined in our flat, food was delivered, we have 3Dprinter, electronics and equipment, but no exact goal to achieve. We could just wait the end of quarantine and go home.

But what if:

So we crashed, ... sight... we are alive, but barely. I am down to 5 healt points; and worst, I don't know where are others, we have been separated in groups. Hope the others are ok, I need to contact them. But first, I need to find water, and quick.

> Every participants lose 1 HP every hours. 
> Get +2 HP by drinking a 25cl glass of water. **Warning: -1HP if drinking alcohol.**

Good news, the radio in the plane is still working. Rescue is online and internet communication is stable.

> WARNING/ We need to have at least 2 days of water, until rescue arrive by land. 
> WARNING/ It's snowing ashes. 
nicolasdb commented 2 years ago

Life counter:


A micro:bit counter, just act as a countdown retracting 1 point every hours. Pushing button A, give +2. Pushing B, -1. If you run out of health, you die.

nicolasdb commented 2 years ago

meta program


Introduction - the day before

We emptied bottle of water in front of there flat, every 3h. We say nothing. It is our first mind game. They will start wondering, react, asking... wtf? why did you waste this water? Then in the evening, we organized a video projection of several educative videos and engage them to talk between each. What are they thinking? How the situation is in their own countries, cities?

The evening setup is managed as if we where in a plane. Chairs 2 by 2, aisle in center, the screen in front. At the end of the projection, we explain how it is important to us to monitor our water intake. That we created a "life counter" who will countdown -1 health point every 1 hour. Maximum 21HP, to restore health, they can add +2HP by drinking 25cl water; (push button A), but warning, if they want to drink alcohol, they lose -1HP per glass; (push button B).


18 Juillet 2021, Water Crisis @Buinho - Castro Verde (PT)

Braincandy Special for the workshop "gota de agua" Erasmus+ workshop.

  1. We Still Don’t Understand What Water Is, Here’s Why 4:37
  2. Explained | World's Water Crisis | FULL EPISODE | Netflix 18:43
  3. Farming With Salty Water Is Possible 2:11
  4. What would happen if you didn’t drink water? - Mia Nacamulli 4:52
  5. When is water safe to drink? - Mia Nacamulli 5:24
  6. Warka Water towers harvest drinkable water from the air 2:44

The goal was to introduce awareness about the shortage of freshwater, how the body react with too less or too much water, the challenge of managing drinkable water, and how in general we should value and respect this freshwater that we take for granted.

The setup try to mimic plane seats. We are stewards and we end the session by "serving" them the life counter and a "survival log" on a tray, one by one.

Ressources - Day 1

Bad news people, As I'm sure you already noticed, the plane crashed.

Goal 1 : Organise your groups/bungalow to make a water treatment system.
How will you communicate? Who can do what in every groups?

  1. Search online what consume how much water.
  2. How much water do we have? How much do we need, and how long do we have before running out?
  3. Where to collect some more? Which sources can we reach and how?
  4. Cool, you found water but is it drinkable or not? :skull: If not, why? how can we make it drinkable before we run out? How long does it take?

Result should be something like:


FreshWater is a basic need, the ressource is not infinite, and it is actually more valuable than gold, oil or bitcoin, since whitout it, we die.
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Water awareness - SDG 6

This is about building awareness on:

  1. Average water consumption / personne.
  2. Managing ressources & planning ahead.
  3. Research, select and build the right tech for the right situation.
  4. Water treatment system.
  5. Cooperation et decentralization.
nicolasdb commented 2 years ago

They was a bit stressed in the morning, not really knowing what to do, how to react but then they started to find their marks. They was researching online, teach to each others techniques, basics arduino skills and lowtech apparatus with plastic bottle to collect and filter water.


Still hard for most of them to be in "real" unexpected situation. They wished to have more time to prepare before. But hey, we always do :)

nicolasdb commented 2 years ago

Economics - Day 2

Basic needs are secured, they start to feel the value of having tap water, but it's time to interact with locals. They are not alone, and here come the "creeps"

They arrived without notice, started to steal component, scaring people and went away.

This day should be about the Economics, about the social components and trade, a bit more than coding and survival. It's a good opportunity to connect between participant and know each others, survival is stressful, sharing is about helping Our self through helping others.

But also why do we want to fight as a first reaction, why not try to know these "creeps"? Try to talk, or "tame" them? Understand their need, and maybe share? :) We'll introduce more about these creeps trying to steal, and more about this guy trading stuff.

nicolasdb commented 2 years ago


Alright people. The rescue team is a day from your position. I need your groups to works together, they will need to localise you better. To do so, I want you to make yourself the most visible possible this night.

I need you to do light painting.

terms that describe photographic techniques of moving a light source while taking a long exposure photograph. image image

For doing so. You will need to build one, or more of theses "light brushes"

  1. the light wand. Just a stick with a led on the end and a push button, to turn it off and on again. image

  2. the light stick. A stick with several leds. image

To start simple, you'll need 2 phones with camera. One for the light, one very still with a long exposure time to take the picture. Turn the light on and off, to interrupt the line. That's it. You should practice this evening. The technique is not difficult but the painting is. :)

Then, tomorrow, teams should work on

Are you ready?

nicolasdb commented 2 years ago

Map generator


Tiles printing