nicolasdilley / Gomela

Tool developped for "Bounded verification of message passing concurrency in Go programs."
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Changing how the independent function is translated #13

Open nicolasdilley opened 3 years ago

nicolasdilley commented 3 years ago

instead of modelling the body of the independent function in the init, the init proctype could be used to initialise the communication parameters of the function and spawn an instance of a proctype which models the body of the independent function.

IE. if modelling function

` func runActionForeachMachine(actionName string, machines []host.Host) []error { var ( numConcurrentActions = 0 /<\label{line:dep-var}>/ errorChan = make(chan error) /<\label{line:dep-chan}>*/ errs = []error{} )

for _, machine := range machines { numConcurrentActions++ /<\label{line:dep-inc}>/ go machineCommand(actionName, machine, errorChan) /<\label{line:dep-go}>/ }

for i := 0; i < numConcurrentActions; i++ { /<\label{line:dep-for}>/ err := <-errorChan /<\label{line:dep-rcv}>/ if err != nil { errs = append(errs, err) } }


return errs }

func machineCommand(actionName string, host *host.Host, errorChan chan<- error) { ... } `

could be modelled as


define machines_4 ??

define numConcurrentActions_6 ??

init { runActionForeachMachines(machines_4,numConcurrentActions_6) }

proctype runActionForEachMachines(int machines, int numConcurrentActions) { ... }`