nicolasgallardo / multiple_bebops

Outlines how to connect a single or multiple bebop drones to a secure network
10 stars 26 forks source link

I did everything and even got the beep sound but nothing works. #3

Open IanMin1022 opened 7 years ago

IanMin1022 commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, I stuck after I followed manual that attached so I'm asking for is there something that I missed or not.

Here is what I did after the instruction.

First, I typed mount –o remount,rw / on the shell to get the permission.

Then, I copied, to lib folder from this git to the shell, and also ifrename, iwconfig, iwevent, iwgetid, iwlist, iwpriv, iwspy to sbin folder, and wpa_cli, wpa_passphrase, wpa_supplicant to bin folder. I also gave them permission with chmod 777.

Next, I modified name, password, and IP of which is I downloaded from this git (I just gave it of my network's IP with changing last number). After this I pushed it to bin folder of the shell then rebooted my bebop drone.

After these all, I can hear beep sound twice separately, as if its all established, but when I type ifconfig still changed it to 2) is still there and nothing responds when I ping the IP that I gave to my drone.

Did I miss something? Thanks