Hello @nicolaslopezj :
I've a app that has one button when is pressed, it should export any records of my collections in mongodb.
But when i press it, the console show me the below message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'export' of undefined
Can you help me whit this please? Thanks
import {Excel} from 'meteor/nicolaslopezj:excel-export'
Hello @nicolaslopezj : I've a app that has one button when is pressed, it should export any records of my collections in mongodb. But when i press it, the console show me the below message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'export' of undefined
Can you help me whit this please? Thanks
import {Excel} from 'meteor/nicolaslopezj:excel-export'
Template.tree.events({ 'click .exportar': function() { var data = Scrapers.find({id_usuario : Busquedas.findOne({sec : Busquedas.find().count()}).id_investigador}).fetch(); var fields = [ { key: 'autor', title: 'Autor', }, { key: 'institucion', title: 'Institucion' }, { key: 'campos', title: 'Campos de Investigacion' }, { key: '#', title: 'Publicaciones', }, , { key: '#', title: 'Coautores', }, { key: 'citas_totales', title: 'Citas totales', }, { key: 'citas_2012', title: 'Citas 2012', }, { key: 'indice_h_totales', title: 'Indice h totales', }, { key: 'indice_h_2012', title: 'Indice h 2012', }, { key: 'indice_i10_totales', title: 'Indice i10 totales', }, { key: 'indice_i10_2012', title: 'Indice i10 2012', } ];