nicolewhite / neo4j-flask

Flaskr Extended with Neo4j and Py2neo.
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ImportError: No module named py2neo #9

Closed thmohd closed 8 years ago

thmohd commented 8 years ago

Hey Nicole,

I am trying to follow this code and I keep getting "ImportError: No module named py2neo", However, it works fine on python console in Pycharm.

Do you have any idea why this happen? I am using python3.5


nicolewhite commented 8 years ago

Are you using virtualenv?

thmohd commented 8 years ago

Yes I do.

nicolewhite commented 8 years ago

Hey, did you figure it out? I figured it was something to do with not activating the virtualenv.

thmohd commented 8 years ago

Yes, actually it was. My bad I didn't write here. But I am new to Neo4j and Python :), and keep changing stuff. I also realized that Neo4j V3 released so I got rid of py2neo and start using Python Driver.

Thank you so much and I am sorry again.

nicolewhite commented 8 years ago

No worries! Good luck.

thmohd commented 8 years ago

I apologize if my question is not related. But, I thought you might be able to help.

So, I am using Flask and Neo4j v3. and there is a caching happening on the data. I tried all methods to prevent caching in Flask and the browser, but I still get the same issue. Even if I open the page in different browsers , the data doesn't change.

I checked Neo4j conf. and there was no caching enabled. The only way to see the results is when turn the python server off then rerun the command again.


nicolewhite commented 8 years ago

Are you using py2neo or neo4j-driver?

thmohd commented 8 years ago

I am using Neo4j-Driver

nicolewhite commented 8 years ago

Are you using any caching libraries with Flask?

thmohd commented 8 years ago

Nope and I even added after_request function to prevent caching in HTML headers but no luck with that too.

nicolewhite commented 8 years ago

Can you post the relevant code to reproduce the issues?

thmohd commented 8 years ago

The issue is there is no error or warning. It's just the pages are cached somehow and let's say for the following example, I added City and want to see the new added city in the School form so I can Add the assign the school to it, that's where the issue appear and wont show the new city even I open different browsers. Sorry if the code is messed up it need a lot of refactoring and testing.

ps. exist() is just a helper function to check if node exist.


@admin.route('/city/add/', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def add_city():
    form = AddCityForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        name =
        country =

        city = City()
        if not city.AddCity(name, country):
            flash("It's exisit", "danger")
            flash("Has been added", "success")

    return render_template("rendering_form.html", form=form, title="Add City")
@admin.route('/university/add/', methods=['GET','POST'])
def add_university():
    form = AddUniversityForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        name =
        website =
        description =
        phone =
        address =
        city =

        univ = University()
        if not univ.addUniv(name, description, address, phone, website, city):
            flash('It is Exists','danger')
            flash('Has been added!','success')

    return render_template("rendering_form.html", form=form, title="Add University")


class AddCityForm(Form):
    name = StringField("City  Name - Description", validators=[Required()])
    country = SelectField('Country',choices=find_all_countries())
    submit = SubmitField("Submit")
class AddUniversityForm(Form):
    name = StringField("University Name", validators=[Required()])
    description = TextAreaField("Description")
    website = StringField("Website", validators=[Required()])
    phone = StringField("Phone")
    city = SelectField('City',choices=find_all_cities())
    address = StringField("Address")
    submit = SubmitField("Submit")


class City:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.tag = self.__class__.__name__

    def AddCity(self, name, country):
        if not exist(tag=self.tag, key="nid", value=self.nid):
            session = driver.session()
            query="MATCH (co:Country {nid:{country}}) " \
                  "CREATE (:City {nid:{nid}, name:{name}})" \
  , {"country":country, "nid":self.nid, "name":name})
            return True

        return False
class University:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.tag = self.__class__.__name__

    def addUniv(self, name, description, address, phone, website, city):
        if not exist(tag=self.tag, key="nid", value=self.nid):
            session = driver.session()
            query="MATCH (c:City {nid:{city}}) " \
                  "CREATE (:University {nid:{nid}, name:{name}, description:{description}" \
                  ", address:{address}, phone:{phone}, website:{website}})-[:LOCATED_IN]->(c)"
  , {"nid":self.nid, "name":name, "description":description,
                        "address":address, "phone":phone, "website":website, "city":city})
            return True

        return False