nicorac / bcr-gui

BCR-GUI is a companion app for the great BCR (Basic Call Recorder) Android application.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Find contacts with phone number without country code. #122

Open loziniak opened 1 month ago

loziniak commented 1 month ago

Hello. When there is a call recorded with number "+48123456789" and I have a contact in my contact book with a number "123456789", I'd like it to be found as well.

nicorac commented 1 month ago

This feature already exists. Just set your country prefix (i.e. +48 in your case) in "Default country prefix" app setting.

ngocanhtve commented 1 month ago

This feature already exists. Just set your country prefix (i.e. +48 in your case) in "Default country prefix" app setting.

I have another small issue.

Ex: An incoming call has the number +84 987 654 321, but the actual number stored in the phonebook is 0987 654 321. So even if I set the prefix +84, there is still a missing 0. Right?

And one more small issue.

When an incoming call is displayed as 0987 654 321. But in the phonebook it is +84 987 654 321. It still does not detect properly. This is an actual case I encountered just this morning.

nicorac commented 1 month ago

Ex: An incoming call has the number +84 987 654 321, but the actual number stored in the phonebook is 0987 654 321. So even if I set the prefix +84, there is still a missing 0. Right?

Yes, you're right, it currently work like that.

Are you saying that the area code leading 0 is needed only when calling from inside the country and should (must) be removed when calling from outside the country?

I mean:

Do you confirm?

If so, we should find a way to let user remove that leading zero before prepending the international prefix. I wonder if it could lead to false positives...

AFAIK the international prefix (+84) is completely prepended to default (local) phone number, which remains unchanged. When locally calling that number could you dial both 987 654 321 and 0987 654 321

nicorac commented 3 days ago

This is becoming stale, will close it soon...

ngocanhtve commented 3 days ago

This is becoming stale, will close it soon...

Sorry, I forgot the comment in this issue.

In my country phone numbers will start with 0, which will be replaced by +84 in some cases. That means if a phone number, for example +84 987 654 321, will actually be 0987 654 321.

I just wonder is that after setting the country prefix to +84, that means the application will automatically cut off +84, leaving the number 987 654 321 instead of 0987 654 321.

At this time, I have saved 0987 654 321 in my contacts, will a number calling +84 987 654 321 be detected? Because after cutting off +84, only 987 654 321 remained. It did not match 0987 654 321 because it lost a 0.

So the question is to completely cut off +84 or replace +84 with 0?