I believe there is an error when you try to process raw data in the command line:
import pyanthem
g = pyanthem.run(display=False)
Welcome to pyanthem v1.2.3!
♫ g.process_raw(file_in=r'demo1_raw.mat',n_clusters=20,save=True)
Performing k-means...done.
Performing NNLS...done.
Error: Inner or outer dimensions of W [shape=(20, 200)] and H [shape=(128, 128, 20)] do not match!
<pyanthem.pyanthem.GUI object .>
However, the same file works fine with the GUI File --> Load raw...
However, the same file works fine with the GUI
File --> Load raw...
Originally posted by @guevaracodina in https://github.com/nicthib/pyanthem/issues/2#issuecomment-1977067219