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fitvermogen dividend leak #50

Open kaskavalci opened 2 months ago

kaskavalci commented 2 months ago

Fitvermogen is currently listed with 0 dividend leak. In the document they provided for their fonds, NN Enhanced Index Sustainable Equity Fund and NN Enhanced Index Sustainable Em Markets Eq Fund suffer from dividend leakage, as they are not marked with Asterisk. I'm not sure what is the right way to figure out the leakage rate, but I wonder if the current code reflects the reality?

FitVermogen_NL fondsen GSAM_2023 juni 21 (1).pdf

jakedane commented 2 months ago

That's reading it the wrong way around. To solve the dividend leak those funds have opted for FBI status. For FBI status it is mandatory to withhold Dutch dividend tax. As the document says, that's what funds not marked with an asterisk do:

U ontvangt het dividend onder aftrek van 15% dividendbelasting. Deze ingehouden Nederlandse dividendbelasting kunt u bij de belastingdienst verrekenen met uw ‘aanslag inkomstenbelasting en premie volksverzekeringen 2023’.

Funds marked with an asterisk can't opt for FBI status because they don't withhold Dutch dividend tax and thus have a dividend leak.